The Hamilton County Government Information Systems Department of Tennessee was looking for a document management system that could be used across the various branches of the county. It was important for them to be able to start with an implementation in one department and then expand it across the other departments as funds and requirements dictated.

The initial department chosen for deployment was the General and Criminal Sessions Court Records. This department needed to automate the handling of paper flowing through it, as well as have access to the document archives, without having to search through microfilm or paper file documents. The Court Records personnel respond to hundreds of requests on a daily basis for copies of case records. These requests are made by the general public, lawyers, Court Personnel, the District Attorney, etc.
CIMSgts provided Hamilton County with a Document Management system that has the capability to capture and image the documents, allow access through the WEB, integrate with their mainframe and enable document retrieval from within those applications, and provide the ability to capture and include electronic documents into the system, such as Word and Excel etc.
With the ability to provide secured Web access to these documents, the Court Records department will dramatically reduce its workload for manually reproducing these documents. This combined with the dramatic reduction in filing space required, has made the return on investment very short.
CIMSgts used the OnBase Document Management software as the core product for the system and then integrated customizable modules to provide the specialized capabilities required by the users. The scanning software used was from Kofax Ascent Capture, and the scanners provided were Fujitsu 4097’s. A server was specified for the County which contained dual Pentium CPUs, 2 GB’s of memory, and over 500 GBs of storage online.