The US District Court in Shelby County, needed to make available to the public and county government users, information that was contained in 27 reports, that captured statistical information on the activities related to the courts functions. In the past these 27 reports had been printed bound and distributed to users within the county government and made available to the public. A federal court case (Little v. Shelby county) was the catalyst for making this information available in a timely manner. The goals were to have the full reports available to County Government users via the local intranet and to launch a public website to provide the information from 19 of the 27 reports in a chart based format.
CIMSgts built a system using a Document Management database to be able to capture and manage all of information from the report used by the County Government and the public. The mainframe reports are captured using a custom application to deliver these reports to the document management system and then they are processed using a COLD application before they are stored in the database. Now all of the reports can be searched on and presented to the users, in a timely manner, through a WEB interface
The information, that was required by the public, is to be presented in a chart format and will give them a visual representation of the courts statistical information at that point in time. The information is captured from the mainframe and passed into a Data Mining application that stores the information in a custom database developed by CIMSgts . Then a WEB front end to the database was developed and the queries were written so that a public user could come into the site and run a report based on the up to date information contained in the database. The Database is constantly updated and the queries are generated anew each time they are accessed, to make sure the information is the latest available.
The US District Court now uses this system exclusively and has completely eliminated the costs for Printing, Binding, Distribution and Storage of these 27 statistical reports. This has also made the information that is provided of a more timely nature, because they do not have the delay involved in the physical handling of the reports. All of the information is now online and up to date.
CIMSgts used the OnBase Document Management system from Hyland Software as the core repository database that is used to mange all of the data once it is entered into the system. The custom WEB front end, that gives the public access to all of the information, was developed by CIMSgts using .ASP technology. In addition software from Monarch was used to provide the data mining capabilities for this solution.